I am learning to be different in my body and in my life. It’s amazing what life will teach you if you’re willing to receive the gifts and the lessons. For me it’s about learning to work well and be well in a well world. It begins with me.
I grew up in a poor environment where I learned to survive. I acquired a multitude of coping skills. My Family were beautiful big hearted people. They were loving and generally kind. They however were uneducated, at least in our traditional universities and schools. That left them ill-equipped to maneuver societies rules and guidelines. I learned to work hard, to sacrifice for those you love. Never ask for much because there wasn’t much to give. Many times we did without. We would scrounge through the car seats for change to go through McDonald’s drive-through. I remembered watching Gone With The Wind and when Scarlet O’Hara said “I will never go hungry again“. I said exactly! I decided that I would manage all of my needs and help the world around me do the same. I Never attended college, life is my university, my playground, my stage, my gift. I open it and open to it tenderly now. Having graduated from the school of hard knocks and 2 x 4’s. I now savor the sweetness of grace and ease as I am actually learning to partner with life. I am changing the way I am being in this world and encouraging others to do the same. For me it’s no longer about work hard, work smarter,. It’s about how can I be and feel the best that I can by partnering with all the elements of life around me? See what I learned in my upbringing was to cut myself off, to avoid the pain. To become an island. I’m good on an island. I am very self-sufficient and self-reliant and yet I am learning about the interdependence of life in a way that has deepened into the cells of my body, to the myelin sheath of my tissues, the depths of my heart and soul. So many people are learning to overcome the habits, the patterns, the history of their past and the past of this world. Many have learned they are codependent and that has contributed to the entanglement in our world and a struggle of disconnect. Codependency is not a natural state, it is a learned state and can be unlearned. What is a natural state is the realization that we are interdependent. We need each other. What we need is for each of us to show up as the miraculous divine amazing beings that we are and not only allow but invite the world around us to show up as it is. Not just the human beings, all life around us. Until we learn to trust this divinity we claim to believe in, but actually doubt, we will not know peace. Until we act accordingly, Mature as a species and recognize that our connection with Source, God, Universe, whatever term you choose to use, is asking us to show up divinely. In my walking practice these days I am learning to continually forgive and trust. If I trust there is a divine plan and a divine God, and I do, then there is nothing here that is not part of that plan. Then all I can say is thank U! I’m sorry, please forgive me and I love you!
Debbie Moran
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